In 2013-2014 EAH provides water awareness training for staff at local watersheds. Water decals with “Save Me” written inside a water droplet are distributed to residents to be applied by sinks and faucets.
In 2014, EAH hosts two Green Fairs at properties in California and Hawaii to train residents on the importance of recycling, conservation and green home products.
Also in 2014, EAH implements its first bike sharing program at a property in San Francisco, to promote transit-oriented solutions to greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2014 EAH enters into a contract with a private waste company to divert property recycling from entering landfill.
EAH 2014 efforts to engage resident youth launch a semester-long Green Team at one of our family properties, culminating in green events and a student-produced video on water conversation.
EAH is acknowledge by President Obama and the White House in 2014 for its commitment to solar deployment and energy efficiency with 3.1 MW of on-site solar PV installed and a goal of 20 additional projects for nearly 10 MW of solar generation portfolio-wide.