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$64,500 Awarded in Scholarships to EAH Housing Residents

Education and the pursuit of learning have always been priorities at EAH Housing. Our resident services staff members provide onsite classes to residents on various topics such as digital literacy, financial literacy, life skills, and after-school tutoring. They also work with residents attending high school to provide local resources for scholarships and financial aid opportunities.

This year, we are proud to announce that 17 of our college-bound residents have received scholarships totaling $64,500. In addition to the ten recipients of the Rebecca W. Watkin Scholarship Program at EAH Housing, seven of our residents received scholarships from the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA).

These students are pursuing diverse interests and majors  from studying biochemistry at Boston College to aviation at San Jose State University and nursing at the University of Hawaii. We are honored to be their partners on their paths to realizing their dreams.

If you would like to learn more about our previous scholarship winners and how they are handling college during COVID-19, please click here
