Two five-story buildings are expected to be developed for Sacramento residents making between 30 to 60% the median income level.
ABC10 News
By: Vicente Vera
August 3, 2023
SACRAMENTO, California — Sacramento city and county officials teamed up with the housing nonprofit EAH Housing to break ground on a 140-unit affordable housing complex.
Two five-story buildings are set to be developed on the housing location at Broadway & 19th streets, with two and three-bedroom apartments.
The housing units will be available for residents making between 30% and 60% the area’s median income.
Mayor Darrell Steinberg said 37 of the units will be funded through the Mental Health Services Act for Sacramento residents with serious mental illness at risk of becoming homeless.
“To inject this ray of hope for people who deserve the dignity of being housed and to revitalize this historic business corridor,” Steinberg said. “What could be better than that?”
Steinberg touts the groundbreaking as part of a $15 million revamp that will make the Broadway corridor more welcoming for pedestrians and cyclists.
Read full story here.